Who is Miller Heiman

Miller Heiman and Miller Heiman Group focuses upon the International sales consulting and training and takes pride in the Leadership in Sales Excellence, a Creator of the Sales Process Market. More business closed using Miller Heiman sales processes than any other sales process in the world.
Miller Heiman built a bold, powerful and innovative New Miller Heiman Group on historic brand such as Miller Heiman, Huthwaite, AcheiveGlobal, Impact, Channel Enablers and CSO Insight in 2016. Many Excellent Companies including "Fortune 500" are our clients and they have developed their business by using Miller Heiman's effective and pragmatic sales programs.

Please visit our Global Website: www.millerheimangroup.com

Public programs in Japan are delivered by our Distribution Partner, R and K Marketing, Inc.
Click here to see the Workshop Schedule in Japan.

The Miller Heiman Difference

About Miller Heiman Group

Miller Heiman Group, headquartered in Reno, NV, sets the standard in process-based on sales force solutions. In addition to its strong presence in the United States, the company also has representatives in more than 25 countries including England, Europe and Asia-Pacific. We provided a proven and exceptional know-how to help developing and expanding prospects to Fortune 500 companies and other forward looking companies. We are 27 years of leadership in Sales Experiences since Miller Heiman was founded in 1978 and have set the standard for sales excellence.

Unlike the other sales training, what was being taught was face-time skills and techniques, Miller Heiman Group was nearly unique among consultants in insisting that the time worn and traditional sales approach was useless and sales people should admit that their profession was a profession. Miller Heiman created a great sensation by identifying and positioning sales activity with strategic approach and more sophisticated ways. Since that, many similar sales training programs of other consultant company followed in the footsteps of Miller Heiman Group that leads strategic sales program in the field of sales training.

Miller Heiman Group believes that selling should be a process because that's what leads to consistent results. And the Strategic Selling methodology and Blue Sheet analysis worksheet of Miller Heiman Group can easily integrate into the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and also be imported as an effective SFA (Sales Force Automation) which is able to find out the next action for achieving sales people's objectives and is very different from the application in Japan which concentrates upon the figures already have done and not focused on the necessary actions and performances for closing the order.


Three NOs!

First, we focus on the real world, and on your real accounts. We don’t sprinkle them with the newest theory which was written by a professor of Business Schools. The program itself is developed by sales experts who have ample experiences in their fields for sales professionals.

Second, we don't use hypothetical cases. Instead, we keep our participants focused on reality by developing a strategy and action plan for their own sales opportunities. That is, involves participants in real-world not theoretical case studies, and enable them to create detailed action plans and results for their own accounts.

Third, it is not necessary at all for training participants to memory the difficult terminologies. We do not deliver "training events" that are the talk of the office for two weeks. Our product isn't notebooks or seminars; it's an improved sales process. Participants want to use and apply eagerly the contents, sales process, which they studied in the training workshop after the course.

In conclusion, in all of our sales training programs, you work on applying the Miller Heiman sales process to real accounts you're working on. We had earned the trust of such innovative market leaders as Hewlett-Packard, Mariott, General Electric, Hallmark, Sun Microsystems and PriceWaterhoouse Coopers. As a result, they have become enthusiastic supporters of a Sales Operating System which developed by sales professionals at Miller Heiman.

Three programs

We deliver the following three major programs by Japanese in Japan. We hope your attendance.

   Strategic Selling®

The business for the case that many people and/or levels are involved in the buying decision becomes so complex and requires a strategic thinking and a problem-solving.
Strategic Selling® process provides a straight–forward road map that helps salespeople tie to strategies, enabling them to more effectively navigate today's complex selling environment. You learn how to set a best action plan for achieving the sales objectives and realizing the sales activity to lead Win-Win relationship.

   Conceptual Selling®

"Questioning" is an essential skill for a sales professional who want to be an expert to be able to figure client's problem out. We stress that sales people do not speak too much on their products but listen to the client's solution image. Sales professionals have to understand well the customer's concept which is designed to accomplish, resolve/fix and avoid. Un like most sales training programs which target presentation skills and stress trial closes, Conceptual Selling® provides participants with proprietary techniques and tolls that have proven their worth time and time again.

   Large Account Management ProcessSM (LAMPSM)

In most businesses, five percent of the accounts bring in over fifty percent of the revenue. Our Large Account Management Process shows you how to manage and grow these critical accounts for long time consistently. Uniquely customer–oriented, LAMPSM is a very interesting question for many businesses and demonstrates how to move up a "buy-sell hierarchy" by positioning yourself with senior people in the buying organization. You'll be able to find out a very effective way to analyze Large Accounts.

Public program are open to people from any organization, allowing you to gain from others who are using the sales process and discover an entirely new breed of sales professional. Please invest only two days and find out the reason why Hewlett-Packard, Sun Microsystems, Dow Chemical, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Marriott International, Roche and Johnson & Johnson send so many sales professionals to Miller Heiman's process.

Program Options

Miller Heiman Group has several ways to deliver the programs to your organization. We offer public, group, combined, private and private client-facilitated programs. Each option offers the same information, but is delivered in a format that's a most suitable for you and your organization.
Private programs are exclusively for your organization. Prior to the program, we will work with your sales organization to understand your needs in order to deliver a program that accomplish your desired objectives. Don't hesitate to contact us about the program options.